Google Remarketing

Since our introduction in 2009, Clixpert has been the go to firm for many Australians, as well as International businesses looking to leave their mark in the online world. There's no denying that with the billions of people using the internet, effective marketing is necessary to take advantage of the opportunities the World Wide Web has to offer. At Clixpert, we are pros in all things Google and we know just how to get you to the top of the search engines, making it easy for your customer base to get a hold of your website.

Google Remarketing has been just one of the things Clixpert can assist with. However, it's a part of marketing that should, by no means, be undermined. The purpose of Google Remarketing is to turn 'browsing' customers into 'purchasing' customers. Very frequently, buyers shop around on the internet for a period of time before making a purchase, opening one website and closing another. In this process, it's easy for your website to get lost in the minds of the visitors. With Google Remarketing, you will be giving your website an extra chance, embedding yourself in the memory of potential customers, leading to sales- the ultimate goal.
Google Remarketing
How does Google Remarketing work?
With Google Remarketing you'll be taking a more specific approach to marketing. Rather than just presenting your website to potential buyers without a vision of what they are interested in, you'll be getting to the nitty-gritty of what they have been shopping around for and introducing to them, a similar product or service that you have to offer. Through this, your ad campaign will be structured based on the sites they visit and the specific products or services that they frequently view. The more they see your product, the more they trust your brand and the more likely they are to make a purchase.

Who does Google Remarketing target?
Depending on the type of product you sell or the type of service you offer, you'll have a different segment you'd like to take advantage of. Some companies thrive in different seasons, some offer a product or service that customers can use up and therefore need to purchase again whereas others have a more sustainable product or a service that is only taken advantage of once. The good thing about Google Remarketing is that you'll be able to select who you market to, based on what works best for your company. At Clixpert, we listen and we ensure that we know your needs and have a full understanding of what will bring success to your company. As a result, we always tackle Google Remarketing with a firm grasp of what needs to be done, who needs to be targeted and just how the campaign should be done.

With Google Remarketing, you can target:
  • Everyone who has visited your website
  • Visitors who looked at a specific product or service page
  • Visitors who browsed through a page on your website without settling on a specific product or service
  • Visitors who added items to their shopping cart and abandoned it without making a purchase
  • Visitors who have previously purchased from your company

Google Remarketing is something that you WILL want to take advantage of when boosting your company's online reputation and online success. Trusting Clixpert to bring you in the direction of success is a wise idea. We have helped countless clients reach their goals and we can do the same for you.

To speak with a Clixpert representative about Google Marketing or any other online advertising service, feel free to give us a call at 1300 CLIXPERT.
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